Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dane County Board of Adjustments Decision Could Impact Many Property Owners

What happened last night might have a more broad impact on land owners in Dane County. In essence, the Dane County Board of Adjustments, on a 3-2 vote, made a decision to reverse the interpretation of County Zoning Administrator Peter Conrad AND the advice from Dane County Corporate Counsel regarding the parcel of land I own in the Forest Park plat near the UW Arboretum.

This decison could impact anyone owning, what zoning code determines is a "sub standard" lot within Dane County, regardless of this lot being grandfathered under current code. Or, more simply put, the County Board of Adjustment just took away the rights and the value of that lot as a buildable piece of land.

We're not sure what's next for us. It might be an appeal in circuit court, it might be tearing down the existing home and replatting the parcel to bring it into current code and building 2 true "McMansions" on the now 2 buildable lots vs. the 2 smaller homes we had planned and saving the existing home. Not sure who really wins in that scenerio.

To see the latest press on this, click here Wisconsin State Journal

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